Things I am outraged by at this one moment in time

1. The cancellation of Andy Barker, P.I.– Even though Ro told me about this days ago, outraged I remain. I mean, I guess the ratings were terrible, but as Ro pointed out, the first episodes were all during weeks where they were only showing repeats of The Office, and I would additionally point out that it was up against new episodes of Grey’s and CSI. That just seems like stacking the deck; I seriously doubt NBC has something better in development, and it should have been given a chance, like The Office was, to build an audience.

2. The weather – What is UP?

3. The girl who tried to kill me last weekend – Still mad about this, too. Or maybe it’s that I get newly mad each time I think about it? Some dumb girl pulled up alongside me as I biked along Mass Ave. and kept pace with my bike for a few seconds before deciding that what she really wanted to do was make a right-hand turn from the left side of ME. I don’t generally get road rage when I have the occasion to drive (or, I guess, when I used to drive) but I sure do get bicycle rage whenever someone does something that could result in my physical injury.

4. Comcast – I am always outraged at Comcast. Always. It is a permanent state.

 5. People who don’t say thank you – No one says thank you to the guy who hands out the Metro at the bottom of the stairs in the T. No one. I don’t understand; dude just handed you a newspaper, which you took. What’s wrong with you?

6. The guy who gets behind someone in a left-turn lane and then honks when the person in front of him stops because they are waiting to make a left – Specifically, at the intersection of Mass. and Somerville Avenues in Porter Square, there is a left-turn only lane, a straight-through only lane, and a lane from which both of those things are possible. But if you want to turn left, you have to wait for the light. Everyone who wants to turn left can’t fit solely in the left-turn only lane, because it gets backed up, so eventually a few left-turners end up in the combo lane. And inevitably, some asshat who wants to go straight gets in that lane behind them, and then beeps, repeatedly, and waves his hands irritably, because he CANNOT COMPREHEND the existence of a lane in which people may turn left or may go straight. It’s a crapshoot, dude, and you picked that lane, so either wait quietly or wait until it’s safe to change lanes. No? You’re going to honk and honk and honnnnnk and then peel out dangerously as though you’ve been personally wronged? Ok, cool.

3 Responses to Things I am outraged by at this one moment in time

  1. monquito says:

    I share in all of these.
    1) RE Andy Barker: A lot of people interested in VM are more than a little confused as to why CW isn’t snapping up all these shows that did “poorly” on other channels but with the same ratings would be stars on CW.
    2 and maybe 6) Your bike needs a flame-thrower.
    2, 5, 6) People are a-holes. It’s the only way to explain it.
    4) Why do you hate Comcast? I download so many shows now, I think we are going to move to DSL when we live together and forget about cable.

  2. Ta says:

    I hate Comcast for more reasons than can ever be read at one time by human eyes. Briefly, though:

    1) Overpriced! I only want, like, 5 of the actual cable stations. Why do I have to pay so much? And everything costs extra – were I to want HD from them, that is like 10 more dollars a month. Hate.
    2) Shitty service. I used to have them as an ISP as well, and it caused a ton of problems – service going out, service messing up my cable because you have to split the lines and I had a weak signal. It took NINE visits from a repair guy (a couple of which they tried to charge me for) before one enterprising dude figured out that the line running to my unit was old and needed to replaced, and was the source of all my woes. He went up on the roof and fixed it all up, even though it was like 97 degrees that day. Props to that dude.
    3) When I finally decided I had enough of their “Internet” “service” and called to cancel, they didn’t even care. You know how usually, when you try to quit something, they’re all like, “No! Don’t go, baby! How about $10 off? How about free service for a month? WE’LL DIE WITHOUT YOU!”? Comcast was all, “Whatever.” Way to run a business there, guys. AND THEN I had to return the damn cable modem to their far-flung Allston outpost. AND THEN they tried to charge me a hundred bucks for not returning it, because they are BAD AT EVERYTHING.

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